In FluidTech, we are working towards the goal of recovering low-temperature heat. We provide the technology to efficiently use waste heat and transform it into high grade electricity.
While high-temperature heat can be used and transformed, most of the heat produced is at temperatures lower than 100ºC
Currently, there are not affordable commercial solutions to recover low-temperature & low-power heat and the main practice is the discharge of this heat into the environment.
A novel product based on an Organic Rankine Cycle capable of recovering low-temperature heat (> 50º C) and t ransforming it into electricity i s currently being developed in partnership with Aalborg University.*
We work to improve your energy consumption and generation with the latest technology.
We adapt to your needs ensuring the best use of energy while taking care of the environment.
We are currently attending numerous events, thus, to know more about our latest news and events, check out our Media and l inkedin pages.
We aim our efforts to deliver sustainable products.
Helping to improve the environment and to efficiently use current waste energy sources is our ultimate goal.
Why throw away energy when we can use it?
Our vision is to aid 21st century companies to make a seamless transition to renewable and clean energy sources, recovering energy from waste heat.
Since the current solutions to utilise low-temperature waste heat are not cost-efficient, our new ORC aims to do break even and introduce a new possibility towards energy savings.
FluidTech was born with the vision to provide sustainable power generation from waste energy sources. During the past year, we have developed this vision and transform it into reality.
Despite all the research during the past years, only few solutions have been implemented in real scenarios regarding low-temperature waste heat. This is why we aim to change this scenario providing products for power generation in certain industries.
If you have any questions about our technology, services and products, please contact us.
We offer services of CFD in a large range of sectors.
Excelling in external aerodynamics and internal flows offering high fidelity simulations.